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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 18, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> hello, i'm kimberly guilfoyle and the rest. it's 5:00 o'clock in new york city. this is "the five". >> one of the most powerful t agencies in our governmentes abused its powers by targetingnn americans for their political beliefs. americans are demanding answers, so today congress tried to get them by holding the firstd to hearing on the irs scandal. outgoing commissioner steven miller was called to testify before the house, ways and means committee and he had a lotto explaining to do.mean >> as acting commissioner, i want to apologize on behalf of the internal revenue service for the mistakes that we made and the poor service we provided. >> do you believe it is illegal for employees of the irs to create lists to target individual groups and citizens in thisindi country? >> i don't believe it is. ev the terms tea party,
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patriots were being used. p you justa acknowledged a minute ago they were outrageous, and then when you were asked about this after you were briefed about this, that was the answere you gave us? how can we not conclude that yos misled this committee? >> i did not mislead the meet committee. >> can you assure this committee that none of the information provided the irs by these groups was shared or given to any other federal agency? >> i would or be shocked, congressman, if that happened. shocked. >> i think they're just getting started. i would say this is the tip of the iceberg, mr. bolling. >> yeah. yesterday we ran that sound bite of eric holder, sound on tape montage of him saying, i don'te know. i don't know. i can't say. i'm noti sure. i don't know. do we did about 20 of them. we could have done 50bo ofut thc we got a lot of that again g today. i don't know. i don't know. but he did say it was mistakes made. it was poor service, isde what e
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said. so let me get this is straight,e target conservative groups and you make them wait sometimes up to three years for approval of the tax status that you're pushing through for the liberals and call that poor service? i would call it biased, unfair targeting of conservative groups. >> there is a lot of this goingr on and there is specificy: examples that t i find very interesting. representative kevinnd brady haa constituent and he was talking about this and this was a woman who had tea party affiliation and had applied for this tax exempt status in july of 2010 and they said, 20 months later, february 2012, she received a letter from the irs, a lot of questions, seaned them now three years to the day that she first filed her application is still pending. take a listen to representative brady. >> she was visited by the f.b.i., domestic terrorism unit. her personal returns and her business returns were both audited by the irs. she received four f.b.i.
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inquiries. this is a citizen in a small business woman who had never been audited by the irs. is this still america? is this government so drunk on power that it would turn its full force, its full might to harass and intimidate and threaten an average american who only wants her voice and their voices heard? >> doesn't sound like america. sounds more like -- >> america with three k's. >> yeah. i don't know. something similar. >> yeah. >> go ahead.k's. >> sorry. know, thisto i don't clearly is the dumbest group since spinal tap. their stupidity goes to 11. never trust a man with a perm over 50. it's just weird. the fact they held on to thist information. this is likethic benghazi. they held on to this information until the election was over. these guys are responsible for
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more cover-up than mabeline and the language they're use not guilty this hearing is foolish mistakes were made. so the sentence removes the subject.. so there is no there there. mistakes were made, not i made a mistake. therefore, you can not blame the invisible. obama in a sense is casper the friendly president. completely invisible. the least transparent administration since the druids. >> he's very good at it, because there don't seem to be any repercussions. the reward was he got reelectedb and he's still very popular. how do you explain this, dana? e >> thankfully i don't have to explain it. they do. amazing that there is low leveln employees all throughout the government who seem to know everything and the people at thm top know nothing. that's inexplicable in itself. i think what we learned today and the examples the members the gave is that this targeting and harassment of americans was broad, deep, it's systemic and
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it was not just for new groups. thatst wasem the original spin,f you remember it was because those citizens united, there are all these new groups and applications. no. they went back, reached back into groupswe like the leadershp institute, which is a decade ol institution and pro-life group as well was targeted for moreor harassment under the same officd and with the same types of questions. what books do you read? do you have anybody in yourstio family who might want to run for office one day?nybo all sorts of things that when you look at it from this perspective, it's terrible. if i could add one other thing that i think is the biggest news of the te day, the "new york ti" reports that the obama administration political appointee, officials at thep treasury department knew aboutrs this five months before thefore presidential election in 2012 e and decided not to do anything about it, not to say anything about it and not to stop it. it that is why i think that after today, you will see increasing calls and legitimate calls for an independent council. >> bob, yesterday you said out of the number of scandals that have come forward, benghazi, ap,
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and now the irs, targeting these conservative groups, how do your think they are going to get out of this? >> ierva don't think your questn how do you get out of it. it's how badly are you going to be injured on your way out? ho and i think this is one of thosg issues that come up that poses so many questions. we'll talk about benghazi later don't think is near lea the big an issue. this affects a whole lot of americans and americans are saying to themselves, it could be them,a it could be me. the question is, if the treasury department knew about it as the. times report, somebody made thea decision there to not let the president of the united states h know in order to keep this away from the campaign. or if he did the know, then yout a smoking gun. but somebody, somebody somewhere, and it's not just people in cincinnati, ordered this to be done. i can't believe somebody inca cincinnati got up one morningn'i and said,n okay. we're going to start investigating these groups. >> we know differently we have the names of the two
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people in cincinnati who did it. we know it was shot up theid ladder. we know steven miller knew aboun it. we also know steven miller, who admitted he spoke to tim geithner about this, he can't remember what geithner said and he can't remember what he saidmb to geithner. >> but he spoke to him. >> specifically asked, did you speak to tim geithner? he's a cabinet secretary. gei yes, i spoke to him. i what did you say? i don't remember. he say? i don't remember.n' therefore, as the "new yorkhe times" points out " and dana points out, yeah, they know, at least at the cabinet level. l something we talked aboutev earlier in the week, there was a ring around president obama. they are smart enoughri to keep that ring where they can get it to geithner, they can get it right to the cabinet, but they can't -- >> they also got it to, according to some reports, to the white house counsel. that person is actual will he in that ring. th the ring around the rosy. the the president. if that is again inexplicable that they know about it, they don't tell him?ble.
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what do they talk about in senior staff metings? >> it's not really a ring. >> a crown. >> it's a human shield because they're throwing all the smallee fish, the congress, everybody ib going to go.o you're going to have g to put valerie jared in witness relocation. the irs said something in the hearing about how what wouldt have helped is clearer rules. rules that they violated. this is t essentially the same s a bank robber going into a banki getting arrestednt and saying, f only there was a sign here that told me that this was illegal. they don't need clear rules. >> but all the things here we're talk about are people knew, i people knew, people knew. my point is that the big question is, who instituted it?i who instigated it? that's the issue. it's not who 9-11 the people who knew decided to keep it i think away from the president of the united states for their own reasons that they thought it would hurt his campaign. that in and of itself is not illegal. who startedh it? and i am -- >> it's a question for you, bob.
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so the question then begs itself, which is maybe eric holder should be removed fromfrm this situation and put in a special prosecutor to get the answers to this question 'cause there has been sufficientxus demonstrated that there is ties, the suggestion, some s empirical evidence tied to the administration, the way he answered these questions. if there is ever a case that calls out for it, i believe this is it. i >> it's also the internal revie> by the irs is not in and of itself enough to handle thesed f questions. >> no. th >> he pointed at it, but it doey not answer the fundamental question of where did this idea originate. >> whether it's benghazi or ap or the irs, you see what's going on of the right at the end of campaign as president obama won and into the next term, there was this whole crossover between the campaign and the whiteampa house, campaign and the white house, people going back and forth, burton and axelrod and --
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was plouffe? they created such a cloud that you don't know who was there when when some of these decisions were made. then they move on and you go, wait a minute, who was there? oh, someone was there.her whether it was a campaign or white house, somebody made these calls, it doesn't matter anymore. obama had to. know. he knew. >> i want to listen to another l piece. bob, did you have something to say? >> i don't think it's anywhere near evidence he knew. >> this is another interesting piece of sound from goldberg last night.e. greg, i want to get your reaction to this saying what, if it were the reverse. what if it wasn't conservatives that had that kind of political ideology, how would it be handled? would it be taken more seriously? listen. >> imagine the contra factual. imagine if im progressive groupr gay or black civil rights groups were going to their congressmen and senators and going to the "new york times" saying they're being persecuted by the irs,by going back two years. does anyone believe that thewh white house would spend two s years rolling their eyes sayingr nothing is going on there,
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believe no one would pick up the phone and try to get to the ge bottom of this? >> contra factual. there is a ward i'm banning. he's right. if it was a previous administration, everybody would be arrested. the gardener would get 30 years. by the way, when you comparers. this scrutiny of the right topae the scrutiny of the left, it's not rare. part of life. it doesn't happen just with the irs. it happens when you're in college. it happens when you're in publishing. your valueses. this ispubl how the world works. if you have traditional values, you will be targeted. this isn't a scandal as much as it is a cultural war. >> this happens on the left, too, from the right. during the watergate years, wehe were under attack. >> but something has changed in the last several decades and that is that because nobody spoke up, no one seemed to think this was wrong.o if you look at the unionun contributions from the treasuryt employees union to democrats, 97% of all of their fundraising
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went to democratic candidates into the obama campaign. they called it today the irs i says it was a foolish mistake. a foolish mistake is when youhen take $20 from your mom's purse when you really shouldn't have. that was a foolish mistake. >> i never did that. >> i did. >> i did that once mom, i'm sorry. but this, i think, these liberal mindset is now baked into the cake of our civil service and how do you get it out? that is the underlying collapse of confidence in the government that is happening this week. >> can i throw this out here? listen, this is a true story. i've never been audited in my entire life. 25 years in business, never been audited once. last year knock on the door, my wife gets the knock on the door. two irs agent the show up. typical thing you fear. they hand her a card and showher her an id and say we need to speak to your husband as soon as possible.baas irs, right.. she calls me up in tears crying. this is an example of the using
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the irs fear tactics, thugs, scaring the bejesus out of someone who has never done a thing wrong with taxes. it's unheard of and it has top. stop and i contend it's 'cause of my conservative beliefs. >> okay. just imagine that this is only i gog get better because ahead, this is a true story. the irs official in charge of targeting conservatives is the same person who will be enforcing obamacare. see any red flags? we'll tell you everything you pr need to know about sarah ingram and try to figure out how she got the job. and later, another facebook free fall. if you got ag question, any question, go to we'll actual will he a few of them later in the show. keep itr so here ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ going to be heartache n ♪earthe ♪ ♪ . >> under the category you just can't make this stuff up, the obama administration hasate dons something so stupid, it goes beyond belief. get this. that woman right there, sarah hall ingram was head of the tax exempt division of the irs. the group that admitted to unfairly block conservativedmit groups for tax benefits while paving the way for liberal groups to enjoy tax relief. the same woman just got a promotion from the obama administration.
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she's now in charge of administering obamacare. translation. miss ingram, we couldn't trust you handling our money issues, so we're going to put you in charge of handling our health issues. the optic social security bad enough, but this could be deadly. >> i want to have a life like this and get $103,000 and a bonus. bring it now. b where can ion sign up for this? target americans on american policies and get a you get to run obamacare and you get money extra for it. i mean, this is about as absurd as susan rice becoming the headc what, of national security advisor? that's the next one. >> show me -- prove me that this whole group proved they're biased against conservatives in the irs. show mere they're not going to do the same thing withves obamacare. >> i would be surprised if thir woman had this job in another month. >> are you calling for her firing? >> i think that wo if i were in. position to do so, given the
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story and given the fact she was overseeing this issue, that it would be raised so many questions about obamacare that it's probably better to put her someplace else.ter >> good for you. or let her go? >> i'm not sure let her go. >> good for you. >> i don't think it's about her personally. i actually think it's about the institution, that the irs will h not be trusted to be able to administer obamacare fairly. no one is going to trust it. they are operating from such a credibility deficit, it's impossible for them to get theic way out of it unless they have some sort of wholesale revamp. i hope somebody uses this opportunity, like was said, never let a crisis go to waste. tax reform could solve this in the long run. the irs is going to have to do a wholesale name change, sort of like philip morris when it loste its entire reputation, retooled, revamped, comes up with a new name, a company that stays out of the news for the most part. the irs has -- people do not
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trust it. so you can't have them taking care of your most personal details. it's not going to work. >> greg, you're smiling. >> because the irs in charge ofe obamacare, it's like a junky running a pharmacy. what it really is, it's like th tsa, the tsa invades you at youa mostde vulnerable state. you are at mo the mercy of these entities. the irs in a wayies is like thea in that it's guilty of profiling. this percent persecution is more perion knishes. first they is violate you at the airport. they violate youle withnt your . they violate you with health care. t liberals always said, stay out of my bedroom and yet, it's okay for them to crawl up your ass. hold on. [ laughter ] >> take a look at what sarah hall ingram has made -- remembeu this, while she was targeting conservative groups. look at these numbers. $179,000, that's salary plus is bonus in 2009. 2010, 200,000.
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2011, 212,000. kimberly, you talked about it. the salary plus $103,000 in bonus over the years. bob is right, this woman should go. >> if she were in the private sector, she'd be getting paid for that type of responsibility three times pai that. >> yeah. >> but that's not goodti enough. >> you keep pointing this out about people in government, senior executive service people are very senior people. she may not have been a very good one, but a lot of peopleut are and you can't keep themem unless you pay a decent salary. >> she was possibly breaking the law. >> this is the whole problem, let's give her something to keep her. you know what? let her take the money or leaveh either do ae good job or leave! >> the excuse is they don't know anything about it. it was two lower level employees in cincinnati who dreamed this up. it's not true. i don't want to bother with's te career civil servants. they're going to be wherev they're going to be i think that there is a seriousa problem with pushing obamacare on the american people. having the irs be in charge of it.
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being at the helm when it goes into scandal mode and expect them they're going to start a implementingnd obamacare?re g that trial doesn't work and that's a political problem that goes straight to the white house. >> you made a p point that by making -- if there ever was a time for a catalyst for tax reform, it is now. now you've got a reason because of all these various different loopholes. >> i agree. >> to sayari okay, let's get serious about tax reform. >> how about fair abo tax? >> i like the flat tax. >> i like that. i like fair tax.ike >> i think i like any other taxa >> i like fair andn >> did anybody check why she got the balances? did you try to read why she got that money? she got the money because according to -- if you don'tng make mistakes. essentially, in government, you are paid more if you are competent. you get paid the same if you're incompetent. but if you do a little bit -- if you don't screw up, you actually get a bonus. the reason why that's the case e is that it's not the government's money.nmen it's your money. because it's your money, they can spend it any way they like, like a y drunken sailor during fleet week.
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>> i believe this is true, i'm not positive, but i believe this is true. i think these bonus high school to be approved -- bonuses had tt beo approved by the white house. >> there was a big drain of high level people in the last 20 years. there was one way to try to keep them. the seniorrm executive service. there is very good senior executives in government. >> comingd up, administration officials are admitting they bungled the response to the attack in benghazi. thepon stunning new report comig up not ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is george.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana:he ofhesong >> the part of the song that we needed for theth contest. we're not liars, we're just idiots. that's awe'r quote.
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that's the new narrative from the obama administration on benghazi according to cbs news.. a reporter spoke to a number of anonymous officials. she says that they acknowledge a slew of mistakes >> the president's policy was to lead from behind. your thoughts on this?ught >> well, i lead from behindberl because that is my best side. [ laughter ] >> we would agree with that. >> turn around and tell us the answer to the question. >> oh, boy. kimberly, it's been quite a
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week. if you're making a choice of calling your white house, if yo. say we're liars or idiots, and say it's more close to being idiots, is that the one that you would take? >> i would say, we're awesome at being evil. feel us now. they're good at getting awayt with things and poor -- her career in government service is over. so they can only give her something that's not going to have senate confirmation. that's the way this goes.e what i will say is this, if you're part of the club, they're really loyal. even if you screw up and take the talking points and tow the line, there will be a reward. they're not going to abandon you. like jarrett and holder andon't rice, they got jobs. >> one of the things they tried to do today, i think, their strategy was, to focus on the talking points and say we weredi idiots, weot messed up. but greg, we got closer to finding out who pushed the video because we find out who did not allow for the counterterrorism team to go to tripoli, into libya. do you think they get out of t
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this this weekend and out of their magic box? >> no, they don't. i am very skeptical of people who are saying, no owe finances, bob, that this isn't a scandal like the irs.s i think that's wishful thinking. i think it's big deal. scandals are played down by making them more complex, but add o'clock new variables and then make the variables all a equal, when some of them aren't. there is onlyual one real variae that you need to know and it's very simple. who pushed the video and if youe just did a hearing that just focused on that, you would find the answers to all those other questions. butqu rice, did you already brig up -- >> i haven't. do you want me to? >> no. go ahead. >> susan rice, she was the one who was asked to go out and do the sunday talk shows right after the attack. and she's the one amb who said t was the youtube video. mystery remains as we talked about yesterday, and all the days before, it was inexplicable why the video was there. she's now -- remember she wasyot being talked to be secretary of state. that fell w apart even though i
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don't think she was actually ever really considered. but now they continue to float the idea of her taking charge of the national security council, which is a process where you have to be a fair and balancedir person of trust amongst all thee entities. >> what kind of dirt does sheoes have? >> right. >> jeez. that hearing she was at, that was bologna risotto. imagine if something happens on her watch, like a war in iran breaks out. she will blame it on the flock of sea gulls. that's what she did. she blamed a movie. >> can i make a point? in government and watch these things, i have never, ever in 30 years around politics ever heard an administration on background call themselves idiots. that is a long -- >> even your campaign.ll >> even my campaign. and we were, i felt. the other thing here is, i doer think we got a lot closer to the video. the c.i.a. said that they had initially reported that if they had warned everybody about cairo and the video causing trouble in cairo,. the cairo demonstrations.
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>> hit it, eric. >> look, here is what -- >> the c.i.a. said that. >> let me finish. >> go ahead. >> i want to make sure we have time to get eric's point. >> this came out this afternoon. darrell issa is now going to subpoena ambassador pickering. he's going to have to testify oy may 23, voluntary or not. here is the only question he needs. honestly at this point, i don't even care who pushed the video anymore. all ha matters is obama's legacy and that's it. o i care about the time line of life. they want to go, but i have toio point this out. at 10:05 p.m., there was e-mail sent to washington from benghazi. u.s. diplomatic mission in benghazi under attack.n at 1:00 a.m. in the morning, ambassador stevens is dead, inhe hospital with one other and at : 4:00 a.m., two more died.d. whoever ambassador pickering tells us that said stand down and don't send help from tripoli
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or italy or fest or whomever,orw whoever, that person needs toee testify why they madeds that ca. that's all you need to know. >> there is one other questiony as we leave here, which is we were talking about before on the irs is what did the white house know in terms of trying to kn protect the president in hisdent reelection effort? was that a consideration here in this as well? i think that that is still the nub and the question of who pushed the video is still important. >> davideo petraeus. >> no, he didn't! >> what? >> he certainly did. >> oh, my gosh.. be arguing facts. we have -- >> he just said he was uncomfortable with the changes that he pushed the video. v dana, can i point out, that's very tha important, what you sar there is it's new. no one is talking about it. sa if it turns out to be the caseut where the campaign had something to do with who called the stand down order, boy, you're talking a whole new ball game. >> you would be, but it's inex i can to me. >> the contest continues when
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song afterwards. you got to y see what my theme was, even though you didn't hear the money song. >> listen to it. >> that was fun. directly ahead, what does bob woodward think about comparing benghazi to watergate? you'll hear from him and later, facebook friday. bob will be reading your questions and we have to answer them.g log on to facebook good go♪ ♪ let's get rocking and be somebody ♪ for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact that i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. join today and find out
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it's the deep love between the media and white house to remind each other they are still in love. will it work? does he need it. watch piers morgan go flacid when faced with jay. >> how are you going to move on now and restore faith that some americans have lost that week in your openness and honesty? >> i'm not sure, again you are concocting scandals that don't exist especially with regards to the benghazi affair that was contrived by republicans and has fallen apart this week. >> you probably have been the busiest man in washington this week. if that i genuinely appreciate the time to talk to us tonight. >> i was happy to do it. >> greg: i haven't seen a follow-up question since paper and plastic.
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again, we're witnessing a media that lost the muscle it once had during a adversarial relationship with the white house. now, they have gone soft person from pillsbury. here is on morning joe. >> i have to go back to 40 years to watergate when nixon put out edited transcripts and personally went through them. let's not tell this. let's not show this. i would not dismiss benghazi. it's a very serious issue. as people keep saying, four people were killed. >> greg: excuse me bob. glad you were awake. so woodward compares it to watergate. that is direct shot at modern
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media. that is like willie mays showing up at batting practice and say you are suck. the president was right that there is no there. media has to wonder why the only entity that they care about is fox news. for a non-fox reporter you are a pushover. obama can have you any time he likes. he is about to like you now. be sure and wear that nighty he likes so much and don't talk because he hates that. [ laughter ] >> bob: bob wood wider, name. >> greg: you should love him. it wasn't for him there would be no carter. i mean, yes, he helped bring down nixon. >> bob: i see you make that connection. bob woodward has a history of writing books that are somewhat questionable about the sources. >> greg: when woodward compares to it watergate, which is his
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baby, that is what made all president's men. >> kimberly: bob is not a fan of the man. but this is book in the works. it's significant. if you look at the gallon up polls, the people do care and along with the irs scandal. so think this is something this administration should be genuinely ashamed of. the problem is they act like little brats. it's never their responsibility. >> greg: good answer. i'm glad you were paying attention. when a press secretary tries to be self-did he present indicating does it work. >> dana: i think like on day like tuesday it was probe not the best move. you have to have a lot of goodwill to built up. so you can be funny but maybe that wasn't the best time. >> greg: eric, when she is joking around the it is press,
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he is saying hey, be nice to me? >> eric: when they try to be funny they aren't funny. that was failed and amid three scandals. jay, come on my show. i would love to talk to you one-on-one interview. couple minutes and clear the air. ask you a couple of questions that piers didn't ask you. >> dana: with an invitation like that. didn't you talk to him on the phone. >> eric: how bad can it be. >> greg: bob has a stack of your questions culled from our facebook page. five fnc. people still go to facebook? who are the most popular women on the web. dana has one name that will blow your mind. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] trail... polaris has what you want.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you >> time to answer some of youro questions that were submitted or today ere.
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>> eric, where did you get thaty little copy of the constitution >> at the cato institute. >> do you have any interest in female inte first president? >> i do not. president of what? of the jasper fan club? >> i think that's probably right. no politic. >> that's the problem with t america. >> i'm the problem with america? >> no, you should run for president. instead, you're doingyo media. you're doing media when you should beou out there. >> i'm getting my voice heard!he >> no, you should be out there. >> let's move on. this is for me, bob, that's you. >> they wrote that. >> when are you going to settle down and get married? the answer to that is never. >> that's what's wrong withnswe america! >> that's what's wrong withhat america. >> we have a couple seconds to talk about each i went on the facebook page, i
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saw at least ten different offers to date you. >> yeah. >> by women. >> fine. >> thanks for clarifying. >> remember the lady that wanted to make you the casserole or something like that and going to cook for you? >> last. >> she's still available. >> bob, if you fell in love with somebody, would you get marriedr again? >> no. >> well. >> i would live in shame or greg, i would not be the valued american. one simple question, greg, just to you. why? [ laughter ] >> my answer is why not.ot >> good answer! ans >> there you go. go. >> who pushed the video? >> do you like new york or sancs francisco? youh, nice question, thank very much. well, i now prefer new york city because i live here.e it's my home and my little boy is new york city. >> none of your ex-husbands. >> no, one is here. east coast, west coast rap wars.
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>> one more besides, isn't there? >> no. let's put a rest to that. can you pretend that was my question? how much husbands do you have,so or had?ad? >> when you were younger and pad so, what changed you to conservative?nser >> hmm. i think when i was younger, y especially i remember in college my freshman year i took this philosophy class and i came home at thanksgiving and said i wanted to be a buddhist. i had grown b up in the lutheran church and my dad wasn't tooth happy about that. but i think it's because i'm such a compassionate person and i meld that had to be a compassionate conservative. >> were you ever liberal? >> no, but you were born a libbial and as you're growing up now and becoming a conservative. >> no, i'm not. >> i said this before, i was a liberal, but i became acame conservative by being around liberals and i became a libertarian by being aroundativ conservatives. >> if you're liberal, you've got a chance, yeah. because i married liberals, but
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i'm conservative. >> maybe if you -- maybe you could get it right original. you're not a conservative when you're 40, you don't have s brain. i'm stale a liberal, that explas it. one more thing is up next . >> up next, one more thing. we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years.
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that facebook segment was kind of fun. greg? >> this is a great story. there was a home invasion in houston and the attackers forced the victim into a closet. a gun closet. [ laughter ] so he came out andshothim. anyy, t >> there was a home invasion in houston. this is the neighbor talkingor about it. >> guess what? owner wh had a gun and he did exactly what he was supposed toi do with the gun. th that's what they're made for, protect his home. >> so the moral to the story? have a gun closet.
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inside the gun closet, have a gun. when an attacker comes aftertta you, say, hey, don't put me in this closet. >> i'm scared of closets. >> i'm scared of clo closets. >> have it marked as something else. >> exactly. have not a gun closet written on it. ] >> yeah. >> all right. that's a clever helpful hint on friday afternoon. ifte learned something interestg abc they comepiled the 50 mosten popular women on the web. this is per google searches. very interesting. for example, four out of the top five, only have one name. interesting one one. gaga. read them, lady keisha, who is that? madonna, beyonce, just found out pregnant. rihanna, britney spears and justin bieber. justin bieber. this is the most popular women m on the web. you do the google searches, it comes up with, yeah, that guy. >> pretty funny. right?e >> giddy.
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go ahead. into myntomorning i run very good friend, trace adkins. take a look at the picture who is a huge fan of "the five." i'm a huge fan of his. we took the picture and he said, tell kimberly guilfoyle i said hi. sunday night, trace will be on the live finale of "celebrity apprentice," sunday night. i'm going to go to this he's up against penn gillette. i'm going to do it right here, right now. team trace. >> there youc go.e. y i'm going to ask for another question that you asked me on that question thing.her did i ever contact martha stewart for a date?ha the answer to that is no, i didn't, because i was in no moon to goo antique, which she likesu to do, or go to museums, which m she likes to do, or to see as many flower patterns as i saw in the '60s when i was under the influence. so anyway, i think martha and i have one thing in common, we shared prisons. but outside of that, she'll find somebody else. >> is thatat, true?lse. >> no, i'm only kidding.
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>> you weren't in prison. >> i was in jail, but not prison, no. >> which there is a difference. >> okay. so mine is very charming, sweet. one more thing. i love this story. this is sam bronson, junior. he is the university of memphis' bat boy. he's been there for 55 years as the team's bat boy. they absolutely love him. they said that stan is everything that is innocent and pure. that's eddie cantler, athletic trainer for 35 years. it's so sweet.l h they call him an icon. >> is he 100? >> what? >> something about 100th birthday. >> i think it was the school> anniversary.ol >> no, no. his 55th year as the bat boy. he's a class act and a gentleman. it's a sweet story. >> i want c to put my vote for penn gillette for "celebrity apprentice." >> let's d go, my man. >> and i don't care.t


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